Congratulations to Xavier Legrad-Ferronni
ère and everyone else editing and writing for
Le Visage Vert, which has just published its milestone twenty-fifth issue. Highlights include Michel Meurger continuing his historical exploration of werewolves; Norbert Gaulard introducing two fantastic tales by Antonio de Hoyos y Vinent (1885-1940), who is described as a sort of Iberian alter ego to Jean Lorrain. There follows a translation into French of Jessie Douglas Kerruish's "The Swaying Vision" (1915), and a previously unpublished text "La Porte" by the Belgian writer Guy Vaes (1927-2012), with a study of Vaes by Danny De Laet. Finally there are a couple of medieval legends written and illustrated by Albert Robidas (1848-1926). Subscribers receive a set of four cards (printed on each side) showing illustrations by for advertisements for a collection of stories by Antonio de Hoyos v Vinent.
Another recent publication by the folks at
Le Visage Vert is a chapbook
L'Animal Blanc (The White Animal) by Georg von der Gabalentz (1868-1940), translated from the German by
Willenz, with illustrations by Stepan Ueding. "Das weisse Tier" is from Gabelentz's first collection of stories, published in 1904.
Ordering details can be found
here (scroll down).
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