Ô mon amour...
Ô mon amour il n’est rien que nous aimons
Qui ne fuie comme l’ombre
Comme ces terres lointaines où l’on perd son nom
Il n’est rien qui nous retienne
Comme cette pente de cyprès où sommeillent
Des enfants de fer bleus et morts.
Oh my love...
Oh my love there is nothing we love
That does not flee like a shadow
Like those distant lands where we lose our name
There is nothing we retain
Like this slope of cypress where slumber
The children of iron blue and dead.
Georges Schehadé
(Born Alexandria 1905; lived in Beirut; died Paris 1989)
The sublime truth of poetry conquers all that is hateful
ReplyDeleteJean du Bois
If only that were true.