Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The complete "Collecting Arthur Machen" series: Parts One through Seven, by R.B. Russell

Click here to watch part one on the original Youtube channel.

Update: part two has now been posted.  Click here.

Update: part three has now been posted.  Click here.

Update: part four has now been posted. Click here.

Update: part five has now been posted.  Click here.

Update: part six has now been posted. Click here.

Update: the final part seven has now been posted.  Click here.


  1. Lovely video. I could listen to Ray talk about his collecting all day. --md

  2. Excellent video on collecting Arthur Machen. I'm looking forward to part two.

  3. Lovely to see those many rare items of early Macheniana.

  4. Very good, but a few mispronuciations jar. Covici is properly koh-vee-chee (not koh-vick-ee), and the K in Knopf is pronounced, making it keh-nopf, not just nopf.

  5. Just a word in case it would be helpful to someone -- Machen wrote a lot that's worth reading even if your best way of getting at it is from free online texts, as I'm sure Ray would agree. Almost all of my own Machen library is in the form of printouts from online sources or photocopies of books I got on interlibrary loan. Soon, what isn't in the public domain should be, e.g. The London Adventure.

    Dale Nelson
