Friday, November 6, 2020

Wormwood 35

Wormwood 35 has just been published:

Jane Jakeman marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Maturin's Melmoth the Wanderer with a celebration of the complex Gothic novel and its creator.

Colin Insole discusses Sadegh Hedayat's The Blind Owl, a dream-like bohemian novel of the Thirties. 

Thomas Kent Miller surveys fantasy novels about the Zulu king Shaka, from Rider Haggard onwards.

Peter Bell introduces us to C C Vyvyan, a Cornish author of numinous landscape writing.

John Howard recommends Bryher's Visa for Avalon, a delicate allegory of escape from turmoil.  

Reggie Oliver reviews books by Mark Samuels, Montague Summers and Ethel Mannin.

John Howard's column notices a wide range of new books, from Prague samizdat to Bengal fairy tales, and from Enlightenment Paris to Nineteen Seventies Malvern. 

(Mark Valentine)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a very interesting issue - this is a very worthwhile endeavor! I'll throw some money to Tartarus soon.
