Thursday, March 7, 2024

Incurable - The Haunted Writings of Lionel Johnson by Nina Antonia

In 2018 we reported on the publication of Incurable – The Haunted Writings of Lionel Johnson, the Decadent Era’s Dark Angel edited by Nina Antonia.

This hardback edition sold out very quickly and the book has been unavailable for some years. Readers seeking it will be pleased to hear, however, that there is now a new paperback edition.

As we noted before, ‘this is just the sort of sympathetic selection of Johnson's work and reconsideration of his life and key place in Eighteen Nineties circles that has long been needed. All enthusiasts of the fin-de-siecle, the Decadent movement, Cavalier poetry, and the rare and recondite in fine literature will wish to possess a copy.’