Thursday, April 18, 2024

Lost Estates - a new short story collection

Swan River Press have just announced pre-orders for my new short story collection Lost Estates and Other Stories. This collects twelve tales, four of them previously unpublished, with several others now only available in this volume. In all the stories, scholarly, bookish or bohemian characters encounter the uncanny or otherworldly,

The new stories depict a book-collector who follows a sign to Brazen Serpent Books; the secret of a lost pamphlet and the man who sang ‘The Laughing Policeman’; a scholar of inn signs who finds some have escaped into the English landscape; and the reunion of The Perpetual Motion Machine Company.

Two long stories, first published by Sarob, evoke antiquarian mysteries: a manor held on condition of playing a king at chess (but which king?), and the secret of King John’s treasure, which may not be quite what it seems. 

The remaining stories, mostly out of print, first appeared in anthologies and journals. They explore the patterns seen in the sands of a great estuary; an eerie street game in Paris; the secret lore of a quiet cul-de-sac; the strange volumes received at the ancient Chaplain's Library; and an episode in the youth of Arthur Machen, involving the figure of General Gordon and the byways of London.  

Lost Estates and Other Stories is in a signed, limited, hardback edition of 450 copies, the first 100 of which are embossed and hand-numbered. Cover art by Jason Zerrillo; jacket design by Meggan Kehrli.

(Mark Valentine)


  1. Wonderful news.
    Ordered in excited anticipation.

  2. It’s always exciting news to hear that you have a new anthology out. Looking forward to unknown delights. Thanks Mark.

    1. An "anthology" is a volume containing works by multiple authors. Mark's book, solely by him, is a "collection." FYI!

    2. Oh silly me, what was I thinking.

  3. Looks great, just ordered my copy. Swan River Press has done some fine books by you and John.
    -Jeff Matthews

  4. I just ordered the book. Swan River Press is one of my favorite small press publishers and I've bought many books from them.

    I love collections about bookish or literary subjects but I buy all your collections anyway.

    1. Thank you, Walker. There are quite a few books and collectors in it!

  5. Hello Mark,

    I draw a lot of comfort and delight from your work but I am also on a fixed income. I am wondering if you know the expected publication date? This will give me some time to save the funds?

  6. Always glad to see more or your work in print, Mark!

  7. Always glad to see more of your work in print, Mark!

    1. Thank you your expert proof-reading of the book, Jim!

    2. "for" your expert proof-reading. I should have proofed my comment!

  8. Congratulations, Mark! Quantity plus quality! I don't know how you manage to do it--but I'm glad you do.

  9. But why Swan Rivers never says how many pages?

    1. They do. It's in the 'Specs' tab:: 201 pages.

  10. This is excellent news, and I will definitely have to add this fascinating-sounding book to my collection!

  11. Dear Mr Valentine, I have discovered your prose about two years ago, and it has been for me an important source of aesthetic pleasure ever since. You are a great stylist, and your vision is unique in this day and age. If this sounds cheesy, it is nevertheless true. I thank you for this gift, keep burning with the hard, gemlike flame!

    1. Thank you for your kind comments, Mariusz.
