Friday, May 10, 2024

Reading the Signs: In Conversation with John Kenny about 'Lost Estates'

At the Swan River Press blog, a conversation with writer and editor John Kenny about my latest short story collection, Lost Estates. Our conversation touches on borderland and otherworld fiction, the art of wandering, General Gordon, how history and legends intertwine, landscape mysteries, inn signs, wild topiary and much else. Thanks to John for his enjoyable questions. John has also reviewed the book at his personal blog.

(Mark Valentine)


  1. 'Borderland' is a lovely term.
    Looking forward to having a proper read of this later.
    And, in time, of the book too of course.

    1. Yes, and I think it's interesting to find that's how such books were described in their time. Mark

  2. Mark, I was interested to read in the interview on the Swan River blog that you are presently working on an anthology of essays about Malcolm Lowry. I've read his great novel, UNDER THE VOLCANO, at least a half dozen times over the years and it remains one of my most favorite novels. I hope you will notify us when it is published.

  3. Thank you, Walker: yes, I am a great admirer of Lowry's work too. I'll be glad to notify readers when the book is announced. Mark
