The Folklands podcast is ‘a journey in the hidden corners of England and its folklore with writer/actors Tim Downie and Justin Chubb.’
In early October last year Ray Russell and I met the charming duo at
the Thornborough Henges prehistoric site in North Yorkshire for a highly enjoyable day's wandering and discussion on
ancient monuments, supernatural fiction and folklore. ‘The Forgotten Henges’ is
now available for listening. As part of this we talk about some ghost stories
with a strong sense of place, including work by Arthur Machen, Mary Butts, Sarban, Walter de la Mare. The episode also includes a reading from my story 'Except Seven'.
This sounds great. I will certainly give it a listen. Also, on the topic of podcasts: I can thoroughly recommend Sherds Podcast #16, from a few years ago on Arthur Machen's The Hill of Dreams. It's a fine episode as are they all.