Nigel Tourneur has acquired some cachet for his volume of short stories, Hidden Witchery, a late flowering of English decadence published by Leonard Smithers in 1898 in an edition of 450. The work is available for free download here though I notice some POD publishers are charging handsomely for print copies. Tourneur published stories, articles and novels under this and other pseudonyms, but none under his real name. Here is a short tidbit that appeared in the June 11, 1898 issue of The Outlook:
"Nigel Tourneur," the author of "Hidden Witchery" (Smithers), the latest contribution to symbolistic literature, is a Scot, and a literary critic of advanced and independent views. He calls "Hidden Witchery" a "tentative" book, and there seems little doubt that the writer's undoubted power will sooner or later find a very different artisitic outlet. But the present volume, curious mixture that it is, has touches of exceptionally happy artistry.
The Bone Man, by Frederic S. Durbin
1 day ago
Incredible synchronicity!
ReplyDeleteI've been reading The Tithe at the Moorstone 3 days ago. And I want to translate this story on russian.
Also, I'll try to compile Tourneur's bibliography for our site FantLab, but it seems impossible task... I found four more stories, all after 1898, and 5-6 articles 1900-1934.
His real name and DOB-DOD is unknown? And what other pen names did he use?
Greetings from Russia,
Al Roots
Tracking down the real person behind "Nigel Tourneur" was one of the most difficult literary trails I've been on. The whole story will come out, but I'd rather not give it out in bits. When it's out, I'll call attention to it here!
ReplyDeleteIntriguing news, mr. Anderson. Thanks! =)
DeleteThank you so much, Sir! I obtained this tome based upon your mention here - and am absolutely delighting in the language, vision, mood and sumptuous imagery. Most appreciated.